No, That’s Not What Bothers Me

Fake iPad 2s made of clay have been sold at a couple of Canadian electronics stores.

Fake iPads made of clay were sold to as many as 10 people in Vancouver, Canada, CTV News reports. The fake iPads were sold at Best Buy and Future Shop, after scam artists bought a real iPad with cash, and replaced the device with modeling clay.

The scammers then brought the fake iPad back to the store and returned it for a full refund. Future Shop and Best Buy put the returned devices directly back onto the shelf, where other customers bought it. Mark Sandhu bought his wife, Sundeep, what he thought was an iPad 2 for Christmas. Instead, they both got a surprise when they opened the box.

Whoop-de-do. *yawn* So? They were tablets, weren’t they? *heh* No, what bothers me, really bothers me, is this sentence in the FoxBusiness report:

Future Shop and Best Buy put the returned devices directly back onto the shelf, where other customers bought it [sic].

Someone want to parse that for me? The dumbass who wrote the report really should be fired.

2 Replies to “No, That’s Not What Bothers Me”

  1. Ah … but we should all remember the, stone .. um, tablets, brought down from … um, somewhere in the middle east
    er hang on, are we in the northern or southern heh hehis phere .. are we left or right; dexter or sinister; up or down,

    Are in some small patch of the planet that still allows us to rip, kill, maim and pillage?

    1. Amazing, Davo! Someone must have been working on moderating your meds. That comment almost related to one thing in my post. Almost. It was still nonsense (of course), but it did include the word “tablets” which made it more responsive to the content than is usual for you.

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