“Suckitudinous Fiction” Isn’t Confined to Books

And Holly Lisle’s rules aren’t the only ones, but Seraphim Falls manages to hit the low spots and add a whole huge bunch of others.

What a piece of crap… and I watched the whole stinking thing. That’s a couple of hours of my life I’ll never get back, but at least, after the first fifteen minutes or so I grabbed a notebook and started filling a few pages with brief references to some of the stupidest directing, plotting, staging and other revelations of ignorance and stupidity in this fantasy portrayal of a cast of unappealing–no, mostly unsavory, repulsive, extremely unsympathetic–characters.

Oh, well. At least (absent someone holding a loaded gun to my head) I’ll never have to watch it again.

You may note that I filed this post under “Dumbasses”… and I R one for having waded through this crap, even if I did get a small amount of pleasure from writing down a small sampling of the stupidities it used in telling this worthless, uninteresting, banal story. (No, I’ll not transcribe the FOUR PAGES of notes. I really don’t want to relive the thing even that much.)

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