A Gentle Reminder

Before the 2012 Madness is fully in swing, I thought I’d take a moment to post a reminder of the reasons the US is in the fix it is now in.

1. Massive voter stupidity centered around two things: ignorance and greed. Exhibits A, B and C follow:

Exhibit A (click the link to download the pdf)

Losing America's Mind: Historical Illiteracy in the 21st Century

Exhibit B: The ISI’s Civic Literacy Report. One exceptionally brief sample is illustrative:

In 2008, ISI tested 2,508 adults of all ages and educational backgrounds, and once again the results were discouraging. Seventy-one percent of Americans failed the exam, with high school graduates scoring 44% and college graduates also failing at 57%.

This, referring to a civics literacy test that eighth graders of even my own day would have sneered at as a “gimme”–at least in the school I attended.

Exhibit C

Yeh, that was central (well, that and massive voter fraud) to The Zero’s ascension to power in 2008: unbelievably stupid and uninformed (and deliberately DISinformed) voters.

And the greed? Obvious on the end of voters who elect such socialists to office: “freebies” (to them, and damn any honest, productive contributor to society who tries to play Little Red Hen). On the side of those damnable liars who are misleading these gullible, stupid, ignorant voters, the greed is for more power and wealth for them and their ilk.

2. The second reason, almost as bad as the first, is that those who KNOW better than what the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, greedy statist politicians *gag-spew* and Academia Nut Fruitcakes are selling the stupid sheeple from their Toxic Koolaid Stands all too often (and for all too long) have either sat on their hands and let the poisoners of our society get away with their evil or attempted to give themselves their own proctology exams by sticking their own heads “where the sun don’t shine” in attemots to just ignore the problems.

To the first group I can only say, “STAY HOME ON ELECTION DAY, IDIOTS!!!” because it’s already made itself too collectively stupid to learn anything from reality, and all it can do is make things worse. (Oh, heck, if the earth opened up and swallowed every last one of this group, it’d get indigestion and vomit it back up.) To this group: Just don’t vote, OK?

To the second group: don’t just gather all the facts, examine all the positions, seek out truth and then vote your conscience. Not enough. Encourage others who are not too stupid to compete in a 20 Questions contest with a 10-year-old cracked crock of spoiled kimchi to do the same. If encouragement doesn’t work, try badgering. And when you identify people of group 1 characteristics, do everything conscionable to discourage them from voting. Heck, it might just be enough to tell individuals from this group the wrong day or place to vote. They really can be that stupid.

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